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Pastor of GCI Auckland, Rex Morgan

NZ Pastoral Training Weekend: 19-21 July 2019

Around 40 people gathered at El Rancho Christian Camp, Waikanae, for this year’s Pastoral Training Weekend. This included 7 pastoral leaders from Fiji, 6 from our Masterton Filipino congregation, and 4 from Vanuatu.

The weather was often cold and wet, but this didn’t dampen the enthusiasm of the attendees, who enjoyed a very productive time of learning and fellowship. Even our Pacific members, used to basking in temperatures of 30º, took the 12º temperatures in their stride as the warmth of the fellowship made up for the chilliness of the weather.

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Pastor's Note

Welcome to our website! It has been my privilege to be the pastor of this small but committed congregation since July 2000.  I have known many of the members for over 40 years, since coming into the church as a young lad attending Auckland University in 1969. We have travelled together on quite a journey over those years. We have lived through the remarkable—some say unprecedented—transformation of our church from legalism to freedom in Christ, and we have learned a lot of lessons along the way.



We thank God for the grace (undeserved favour) he has extended to us and all mankind, and we seek to share that grace with all we meet. We praise him for bringing us into loving communion (partnership, communication and participation) with him and one another, and we seek to extend that loving communion out to those around us.  We appreciate and greatly value the international links we have with 900 other congregations in our denomination, in almost 100 countries.



Our mission is to live and to share the gospel, the wonderful good news that God loves all people and welcomes all into his family. If you live in Auckland and are looking for a place to worship where God’s Word is treated seriously as the foundation of our lives, and where people are eager to fellowship with one another in love and grow together in serving God and others, please feel free to join us.  Visitors are always most welcome!



For those living anywhere at all, we are eager to help you in your journey with God. We are developing some online resources to help you in understanding and living God’s plan for your life, and will add them to this website as they become available.



If you are still considering whether Christianity is for you or not, our "Inside Life" magazine carries articles you may find of help.  If you are already a believer and want to grow further, here is a link that points to a wonderful treasure trove of information on all aspects of Christian living and teaching:



Thanks for visiting us, and if we can be of further help in any way, please let us know!


 ~ Rex Morgan        

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