Past NZ Updates
GCI Church news from Auckland, around the country, and international regions.
For more recent updates, please visit - the church website for our denomination.
NZ Update 25 May 2017
Rex Morgan
Greetings once again from Auckland. The following report was mostly written by Dennis Richards. I wrote the section about the Masterton retreat, and have attached some photos of the retreat. Many thanks to Dennis for his extensive report.
OIC Seminars and Retreat: GCI in New Zealand was honoured to host Dr Larry Hinkle and Gracie Johnson of Odyssey In Christ ministry over this past week. They arrived Monday 15 May from Australia and stayed 9 days, primarily in Wellington and Masterton in the lower North Island, and I had the privilege of driving them around while here.
NZ Update 7 April 2017
Rex Morgan
Greetings from Auckland! It has been a wet and windy week, with the remnants of Cyclone Debbie crossing the country. I haven't heard of any of the members being badly affected in the storms, but if anyone has been affected, please let us know.
Annual receipts: I have sent out the annual donation receipts this week, along with Peter Lindop’s annual Chairman’s Report to the Board. It is a great blessing that the Government gives us a rebate of a third of our contributions!
The following two reports have come in from Dennis Gordon.
NZ Update 29 March 2017
Rex Morgan
Congress: Dennis Richards, Dennis Gordon and I represented GCI at the 8th NZ Christian Leaders’ Congress at the Hope Centre in Lower Hutt, March 21-23. It was a great opportunity to interact with colleagues from many different churches and agencies such as the Bible Society, Radio Rhema, World Vision, Scripture Union etc. The photo shows some of the 80 or so leaders who were there.
The Congress theme was “Difficult Conversations – How do we Maintain Unity?” In the opening night address Chris Clarke, CEO of World Vision, mentioned that from time to time his wife says to him “We need to talk.” This is always the precursor to a difficult conversation, but their marriage is all the better for confronting and discussing such issues.
NZ Update 11 February 2016
Rex Morgan
Hi there! It has been a while since our last update, but there are a few items of news to bring to your attention this week.
Women's Retreat (Daughters of the King):
(From Maureen) It is only a week away from the ladies retreat weekend in Waikanae. All the planning has been falling into place assuredly with God’s help. Our planned guest speaker, Sandra Kersten, fell ill suddenly and she had a cancer operation just three weeks ago. With her help we have another speaker, Marlene Greaves from Hastings. She is very excited about being asked to speak and share this weekend with us – she has had an amazing Christian journey.
NZ Update 14 April 2016
Rex Morgan
Greetings! We have concluded another excellent weekend of leadership meetings in Auckland. The National Pastoral Team met on Saturday morning, and discussions centred on three main items.
Festival 2016: In a few weeks’ time Dennis will be sending out a letter including a programme and registration form for this year’s Festival in Ngongotaha.
Conference: Plans were firmed up for the pastoral conference scheduled for July 23-24. Our guest speaker on the Sunday will be Dr Myk Habets from Carey Baptist College, and Dennis is currently working towards inviting another guest speaker for the Saturday. A programme and registration form will be made available for this event shortly. All members are welcome to attend.
NZ Update 24 December 2015
Rex Morgan
Probably our last update for the year unless further news comes in, and warm regards as yet another year comes to its end. Hope you all have a relaxing and refreshing summer holiday!
Death: Long-time member Gordon Macdonald (father of Sue Richards) died suddenly of a massive heart attack in Palmerston North Hospital on December 12th, at the age of 86. The funeral was held this past Monday.
NZ Update 5 November 2015
Rex Morgan
Recap of the festival in Fiji from Rex Morgan:
A big “Bula!” from our Fiji members to their “neighbours” in New Zealand! I was blessed to be at their annual Festival, which was held at the Coral Coast Christian Centre last week (October 23-31). The camp is located at Pacific Harbour, about one hour by car from Suva.
It has a meeting hall and accommodation similar to that at El Rancho, Waikanae. However, meals are fully catered by the members, reminiscent of the way we prepared them at the SEP camps of old.
NZ Update 9 October 2015
Dennis Richards and Rex Morgan
Recap of the festival in New Zealand and Vanuatu.
For the second time, the New Zealand festival was held at Ngongotaha, Rotorua, at the Willowhaven Holiday Park. On the whole, the weather was cloudy and fine, albeit a bit chilly. Sixty-two members from around the country gathered to celebrate God’s grace and blessing in a setting of tranquillity and peace...
The Vanuatu festival was once again held at the village of Naveli, near Rory, on the island of Malekula...