Following are links to some GCI sermons given in Auckland. Click on the picture or sermon title to go to the sermon script. Those with audio or slides have additional links.
Many thanks to Janet Middleton, who typed these sermon notes.
Unlocking the wonderful wealth of meaning contained in the passage in Hebrews 10:19-20: “Therefore brothers, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, His body.”
This sermon by Rex Morgan compares the Christian life to a walk along a beach. The vast ocean pictures God’s endless love, which drowns our sins. Just as the sea brings the shells, and the waves mould the rocks into smooth stones and eventually into sand, so the love of God washes, cleans and shapes the people of God.
See the attached Sermon notes, or click HERE to view the slide presentation.
What does the Bible say about retirement and growing older? Indeed it has much to say regarding "Senior Saints".
Making Sense of Suffering
At times of disaster, lots of people ask the question – “Where is God in all this suffering? Why does He allow it?” As we go through trials and problems personally, the question keeps on coming up from time to time, and we continue to wrestle with it. So let’s notice a few things the Bible says about trials and suffering…
A sermon showing how the wonderful process of metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly pictures the way a Christian's mind is renewed by the Holy Spirit so that Christ is formed in us.
The Battle for the Bible
It’s as if we are in a Battle for the Bible! Christians are the only ones who believe it. Most of the modern world is against it, claiming that the Bible is full of myths and legends, written thousands of years ago and now disproved by science and modern knowledge. So let’s look at the question of “Can we believe the Bible?”
God of the Covenants
"You will be shocked at the number of covenants mentioned in the Bible", according to this sermon. God has always wanted to build personal relationships with His people, so He has made a huge number of agreements or covenants with them. Have a look at some of them in this sermon.
The Bible talks a lot about trees, and usually it is referring to the palm tree, specifically the date palm. There are some interesting things about palm trees that can be used as lessons in our spiritual lives.
Prophecies of Jesus' Death
It is impossible to over-emphasise the supreme importance of the role of the birth and death of Jesus Christ in God’s plan of salvation. An astonishing number of Old Testament prophecies pointed to Jesus' death, right from the second page of the Bible. This sermon surveys some of those remarkable prophecies.
A Warrior God?
In Old Testament times God instructed Israel to go into battle to fight their enemies, and even to kill innocent children! In 1 Samuel 15:3, God told Saul to “go and attack the Amalekites and totally destroy everything that belongs to them. Put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.” How are we to understand this in the light of Jesus’ command that we should love our enemies?
What can little creatures tell us about our part in God's plan?