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  • Rex Morgan

Renewed for the New Year

Sometimes, when we feel we are getting old, it is worth remembering that our Great God has been around for multiple billions of years! Truly He is the "Ancient of Days". Yet God still loves and gets excited about new things. He is by nature a Creator of new things.

"See, I am doing a new thing!" he exclaims in Isaiah 43:19. And right down as far as Revelation 21 He keeps on coming up with new things: a new heaven and new earth (verse 1) and a new Jerusalem (verse 2). Then He tops it all off by proclaiming (verse 5) "I am making everything new!"

This is a prophecy for the future, but it has already happened in the lives of Christians. "If anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come; the old has gone, the new is here (2 Cor 5:17). But God wants us to keep on becoming new---being renewed inwardly day by day (2 Cor 4:16). Let's continue to put away our old human nature and be a new creation. As we come into a new year, let's remember to ask the Holy Spirit to refresh and renew us every day to live a life of love and service to God and our neighbours!

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